Learning & growth

"The greatest teacher is an even greater student"

My capoeira Grand Mestre, currently in his late 70's with milestone lifetime achievements, continues to live by this phrase, and learn from those he leads. Leadership that makes true sustainable impact is one that believes the answer is not within the leader, but within the community they lead.

I truly believe that investing in my own learning and growth models a lifestyle that ripples into the community, who then invests in their own learning and growth. Learning and growth is a lifelong journey that brings forth continual transformation.

Theatre of the Oppressed

Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) uses "theatre" as a means of empowering participants to become actors in movements for social and political change. Originating in Brazil, this technique teaches participants about their power and agency within institutions and systems.

The United States Federal Witness Protection Program (WITSEC) was adopted from TO's work with local marginalized communities in Brazil.

The ResearchOps community

I am honored to be a part of the largest global community pioneering thought leadership in user research and design research.

"We’re a global group of people who’ve come together to discuss the operations and operationalization of user research and design research — also known as ResearchOps. ResearchOps includes the people, mechanisms, and strategies that set research in motion." - ResearchOps

Check out res+ops

The WriteOn community

We are a community of writers/actors/artists/humans who meet to deepen insight, thought, and discussion around the process of our work, the impact of our own personal journeys, and our relation to the world at large.

We share a safe space to support each other's work in a positively affirming environment.

Let’s collaborate on something impactful.

Let's connect